
Top Marketing Strategies for Recruiting Success

In today’s candidate market, recruiting is become increasingly intertwined with marketing.Marketing Strategies for Recruiting Success

A recruiter has to be able to sell a candidate on their firm and what they have to offer. With candidate’s putting themselves out there through outlets such as social media, recruiters have to in turn tell their story. With the integration of recruiting into marketing strategies, the ways you go about sourcing candidates is more complex than it has ever been.

Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to successfully use marketing strategies for recruiting success.

  1. Create a Brand Strategy

How do you want people to view your firm? If a potential candidate comes across your agency, is it readily apparent from your brand that your agency would be a good place for them? Your brand needs to tell your story and convey your value.  Depending on your offering, your brand could range from broad concepts like “employer of choice” to narrow concepts like “Atlanta area’s premier event staffing.” 

Once you have identified your brand, how will you use it? Identify a recruiting strategy for your marketing efforts by determining how you will build your brand awareness. Your strategy should be coordinated and intentional. Everyone in your agency is an ambassador of your brand and your strategy should include how individuals will represent your brand as well. Your brand is the starting place for your marketing efforts, so ensure your brand strategy is clear and used consistently and deliberately.

  1. Build a Social Media Presence

84% of organizations use social media for recruitment; your firm should be part of that statistic. With more people than ever using social media as a way to job search, you should have an active presence across all major social media channels. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are the top three sites that candidates use to job search. Social media participation should be driven at the corporate level with company LinkedIn and Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, and each individual recruiter should leverage their social media networks to further spread brand awareness and recruit new candidates. Take advantage and promote your firm only as a recruiter could while sourcing the candidates you want.

  1. Develop a Blog

Reaching candidates through social media is only one part of the puzzle. A blog is a great way to show them an inside look into your firm and provide them with valuable information for career development. Use your brand strategy and center your blog content on topics your ideal candidates would find interesting. Be consistent with how often you publish and stick to a schedule once one is developed. You want your call-to-action to resonate with your candidates and make them want to engage with your firm.

  1. Create a Social Community

With your social media networks and blog in hand, you need to take the next step and build a community around your involvement with candidates online. Build campaigns around a specific topic of discussion to involve candidates you need to source for open positions. Share not only your information, but also that of those you consider influencers of the positions you have available. You want candidates to see that the topics you discuss are the ones trending the most in their industry. By engaging your social community with information that is important to them, you make it that much easier to source the candidates you need.

  1. Lead Generation & Nurturing

Once you have begun to capture the attention of your community, you want to start converting them into potential candidates that you can bring into your firm. You want to utilize your recruitment software as a tool for finding potential candidates and keeping track of all levels of communication. Are they reading your blog? Are they engaging with you on social media? Once you have identified potential candidates, you can begin to nurture them with your marketing efforts. Track your talent through email campaigns, job postings and any relevant information about your company that captures their interest.

  1. Track Your Success

With any good marketing strategy, measuring the success of your efforts is as important as the efforts you put into it. Tracking your engagement and who you reach will help you build a more successful marketing campaign. Here are some key metrics to consider:

  • Social media engagement
  • Blog visitors
  • Email campaign engagement
  • New candidates

When you use marketing strategies as a recruiting tool, you will increase the success of your candidate sourcing. When recruiting and marketing come together, they build a brand image that is appealing to candidates and consumers alike.

20 Recruiting Influencers to Follow on Twitter

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart. – Thomas J. Watson20 Recruiting Influencers on Twitter

Recruiting is a tough job. In the world of staffing, it is your job to stay on top of the latest trends and insights into what the average candidate is looking for in a firm. From using social media as a recruitment tool to tracking what the millennial generation is looking for in a career, you have to consistently show your skills online as a rock star recruiter.

For insight into who and what is influencing the staffing industry in today’s candidate market, here are 20 influencers you can follow on Twitter to gain expert recruiting advice on all levels.


The Social Influencers

For tips on how to leverage social media as a recruitment tool, here are some experts to follow.

  1. @tonyrestell | Tony Restell

Tony gives tips and strategies on social media marketing for recruiters and small businesses.

Followers: 45,300

  1. @erinbaz | Erin Bazinet

Erin gives advice on how to utilize social media for branding, blogging and sourcing candidates.

Followers: 3,702

  1. @socialtalent | Johnny Campbell

Johnny’s focus is in driving productivity for recruiters through candidate sourcing and measuring social media analytics.

Followers: 19,800

  1. @billboorman | Bill Boorman

Bill discusses social recruiting product advice, social recruiting integration and social referral programs.

Followers: 23,800

  1. @emiliemeck | Emilie Mecklenborg

Emilie tweets on how social recruiting affects HR and how social media benefits the candidate experience.

Followers: 10,900


The HR Influencers

For advice on how to manage HR as a tool for effective recruiting, these mavens will show you the way.

  1. @susanheathfield | Susan Heathfield

Susan gives advice on how to use human resources to manage development of forward-thinking workplaces.

Followers: 5,529

  1. @sharlyn_lauby | Sharlyn Lauby

Sharlyn tweets on social solutions, company culture, and how to work through workplace issues as both an employee and a recruiter.

Followers: 24,400

  1. @mattcharney | Matt Charney

Matt’s no holds barred approach to recruiting and HR delivers advice on how to manage your staffing firm effectively and pursue the right candidates.

Followers:  17,100

  1. @kevinwgrossman | Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin posts on how to build an effective HR team and how to train candidates effectively, along with daily news articles.

Followers: 60,400

  1. @steveboese | Steve Boese

Steve discusses how to use HR as an effective tool for avoiding mistakes in the workplace involving employees, candidates and customers.

Followers: 36,900


The Sales Influencers

These experts offer great advice on how to sell your recruiting skills on social media.

  1. @jill_rowley | Jill Rowley

Jill tweets on social selling tactics and the relationship between effective sales and marketing.

Followers: 30,800

  1. @jillkonrath | Jill Konrath

Jill posts on how to get the attention of prospects through effective sales tactics and strategies.

Followers: 33,900

  1. @peoplefirstps | Deb Calvert

Deb provides insight on how to invest in your sales people and provide them the skills to recruit effectively and profitably.

Followers: 18,600

  1. @chartedpath | Mike Cleland

Mike offers advice on strategic planning, sales and recruiting productivity, and management coaching.

Followers: 1,046

  1. @binghamcp | Amy Bingham

Amy’s sales soundbite tweets offer advice on how to sell to customers and candidates in order to grow your staffing firm.

Followers: 537


The Sourcing Influencers

From hiring to firing, these top influencers provide tips and tactics on how to source the best candidates for your team.

  1. @shally | Shally Steckrl

Shally provides key insight into what it takes to source a great team and how to build great recruiting skills.

Followers: 24,000

  1. @meghanmbiro | Meghan M. Biro

Meghan tweets on how to use social branding and content marketing to source the right candidates for your recruiting firm.

Followers: 124,000

  1. @deandacosta | Dean Da Costa

Dean offers sourcing advice on topics ranging from staffing to technology and how to get the most out of your recruiters.

Followers: 51,700

  1. @stacyzapar | Stacy Donovan Zapar

Stacy offers recruiters advice on how to manage their time effectively, increase social engagement and build great candidate experiences.

Followers: 39,000

  1. @glencathey | Glen Cathey

Glen posts on his insights into Boolean search and how recruiters can use social media networks such as LinkedIn to their advantage.

Followers: 25,900


These 20 influencers provide insight into how recruiting is a multi-functional job with many roles that need to be filled. Follow them on Twitter for tips, knowledge and advice into how to succeed as a recruiter.

Discover how staffing software can further increase your recruiting abilities through social media integration and robust business intelligence tools.

The Top 15 Recruiting Experts to Follow on Twitter

Take the 20 percent of US adults who use Twitter, add in 9,100 tweets per second and that equals one great big pool of people, posts, advice and information. Recruiters hustling between candidate interviews, scouring responses from job board postings and contacting clients about new talent have limited time to check out their Twitter feeds. Those who hop on periodically can get valuable recruiting advice and insight from recruiting experts — if they know whom to follow.

With that in mind, I’ve created this list of the top recruiting experts on Twitter to be a beneficial starting point for recruiters, who can follow recruiting experts, tweet them questions and use that input and advice to grow their careers. From tips on recruiting passive talent to strategies on using high-tech solutions and recruiting software, these experts do the research and pass along their best practices so recruiters everywhere can benefit. Here’s my list!

Active Recruiting Experts on Twitter

1. @greg_savage | Greg Savage

Tweets about: Recruiting strategies, KPIs, challenges and tips — such as how to manage candidates’ salary expectations.
Followers: 34,500

 2. @Blogging4jobs | Jessica Miller-Merrell

Tweets about: Recruiting and HR tactics, how to stay resilient and tips for staying organized while recruiting.
Followers: 111,000

 3. @LouA | Lou Adler

Tweets about: Avoiding hiring mistakes, pinpointing a candidate’s motivation and recruiting passive talent, including, “Recruiters, find out how to make better hires more quickly.”
Followers: 5,960

 4. @jimstroud | Jim Stroud

Tweets about: Social recruiting and finding top performers, including through internal recruitment and by seeking diversity on your team.
Followers: 21,600

 5. @shally | Shally Steckerl

Tweets about: Recruitment best practices, improving recruiting processes and how to become better at making judgments about talent.
Followers: 19,900

 6. @TheRecruiterGuy | Chris Hoyt

Tweets about: Lessons from what other companies are doing to improve their recruiting, industry news and how to recruit elusive “top talent.”
Followers: 22,800

 7. @FishDogs | Craig Fisher

Tweets about: Recruitment sales advice, insight into dealing with professional challenges and statistics such as, “80% of job seekers expect to be able to apply to a job from their phone.”
Followers: 67,500

 8. @LevyRecruits | Steve Levy

Tweets about: Using social media to recruit, the latest technologies, and recruiting for high-tech areas. He also answers questions from job seekers and recruiters.
Followers: 15.3k

 9.  @MeghanMBiro | Meghan M. Biro

Tweets about: Using Twitter to boost your business, specific social tips such as how to get the most out of your LinkedIn photos and the best use of blogs.
Followers: 78,400

 10. @bryanchaney | Bryan Chaney

Tweets about: Creating candidate pipelines, utilizing social engagement, thinking creatively to be a more effective recruiter and topics such as “Startup companies hate recruiting, how can we make it better?”
Followers: 7,994

 11. @WinningImpress | Katrina Collier

Tweets about: Specific ways to use social media to recruit, including advice about using Twitter tools, LinkedIn and other social tactics.
Followers: 2,507

 12. @Work_GR | Miles Alters

Tweets about: Insightful questions to ask candidates, how to find top talent and tactics for growing careers in recruiting.
Followers: 2209

 13. @SIADailyNews | Staffing Industry Analysts

Tweets about: The contingent workforce in North America and around the world, economic trends that affect the staffing industry and recruitment markets.
Followers: 719

 14. @mattcharney | Matt Charney

Tweets about: Conducting more insightful interviews, tightening up job descriptions, mobile job seekers and topics such as, “Why Candidate Experience is More Than Another BS Buzzword.”
Followers: 8,850

 15. @Josh_Bersin | Josh Bersin

Tweets about: Mobile recruiting, workplace culture, building a Twitter following and talent management recruiting software.
Followers: 20,200

These recruiting experts have valuable insight to share, from big picture encouragement to pinpointed tactics for using LinkedIn to find STEM candidates. By following them on Twitter, recruiters can adopt what’s relevant and stay on top of industry trends to grow their careers and their business.

Learn strategies for integrating Twitter and other social platforms into your staffing growth strategies by downloading 6 Ways Staffing Agencies Can Engage Their Social Channels

How Recruiters Can Use LinkedIn Showcase Pages

LinkedIn offers recruiters access to a talent pool of over 277 million people worldwide. Yet many staffing and recruiting firms aren’t making enough of all the opportunities the channel offers to get their word out.

A recent LinkedIn webinar described some common mistakes agency recruiters make when using LinkedIn, such as an incomplete profile, a missing company page and limiting reach. Fixing these common ways is an easy way for staffing and recruiting firms to make the most of LinkedIn.

One of the newest ways to extend your message via your company page is the use of LinkedIn’s Showcase pages – a great tool to segment your content.

How can recruiters use LinkedIn Showcase pages?

targetinglinkedin-1The challenge of promoting your overall brand, in addition to the various branches of your products/services, is that you may be providing content overkill to some audiences because they have to wade through your general content to find information that is directly applicable to them.

Think of how your ability to segment your marketing message can more actively engage specific recruiting and hiring audiences.

The Showcase pages provide a multi-pronged channel system to offer tailored content relevant to these distinct target audiences simultaneously.

For companies with products that appeal to different business needs or hiring companies that are reaching out to a variety of industries and candidates, this means that we can create engaging messaging based on specific needs and interests.

tweet1Lisa Jones, Director of Barclay Jones, a recruiting consultancy, offered a number of ways that recruiters can use LinkedIn Showcase pages in a post for UndercoverRecruiter, shortly after the roll-out of LinkedIn’s Showcase pages in November 2013.

She encouraged recruiters to think about segmenting pages to focus on both internal and external recruitment. She also pointed out that Showcase pages are perfect opportunities to:

  • Create a jobs page for each of your sectors and post jobs to those pages – such as creating a job board for specific people to follow, perhaps segmenting healthcare or IT jobs on separate pages
  • Create sector-specific pages for awesome sector-specific content.   Share the latest news on the fastest growing occupations within those sectors as well as employment updates as they relate to each sector.
  • Create a page just for your blog content. This will create a steady stream of relevant content to which you can point your audience.

thumbs-upOne of the best things about the LinkedIn Showcase pages — you can have up to 10 — is how easily they can be created.  All you have to do is click the “edit” menu on your LinkedIn Company page, then select “Create a Showcase Page.”

You can immediately start sharing engaging, specific content geared toward each of your target audiences.

The beauty of these Showcase pages is that some can be more general and some can be quite specific, according to your layered marketing messages.

But the value of Showcase pages doesn’t end there.  Recruiting firms also have analytics ability to determine:

  • Demographics – Get a clearer view of your followers
  • Engagement – Discover which content is getting the most engagement value
  • Trends – track patterns

The more ways you can reel in your target audiences the better chance you’ll have of creating a lasting impression, which may just be the difference between you and your competitor getting that next contract or candidate.

Learn more about using LinkedIn to benefit your business by reading our whitepaper, “7 Ways Staffing Agencies Can Leverage LinkedIn.”

Top image: Gil C /

Recruiting software blog: Tips for staffing and recruiting professionals on maximizing LinkedIn’s sourcing benefits

Staffing and recruiting professionals who are adapting to the changing needs of the marketplace have a wide range of tools and tricks now available to them. The proliferation of social media and the digital presence of most professionals make the task of candidate sourcing significantly different than it was just 10 years ago.

In fact, new technologies are consistently being developed to increase productivity and efficient practices. In conjunction with the proliferation of social media is the advancement of staffing software and recruiting software solutions made available to recruiters. Industry professionals are better able to investigate the qualifications and expertise of a worker online and then integrate this information into an easy-to-read format in a staffing softwaredatabase. The inclusion of easy-to-search terms and profile organization methods used by a staffing software system and mobile accessibility makes this tool a go-to resource for recruiters.

To better optimize staffing software and recruiting software, a recruiting professional can use LinkedIn for improved candidate sourcing. Here are three tips and tricks for maximizing the candidate sourcing benefits of LinkedIn:

1) Understand the power of social media. The benefits of social media can be immense. According to a white paper from Ace Group titled, “Social Media: The Business Benefits May be Enormous, But Can the Risks – Reputational, Legal, Operational – Be Mitigated?”, in less than a decade, social media has taken over the world. The largest social media network, Facebook, boasts more than 750 million people actively using the site. It is expected that the number of users engaged on the website will soon grow twice as large as the population of the United States, which currently hovers at 311 million. For most staffing and recruiting professionals, quality information will be more viable about workers’ histories on LinkedIn. However, it is important to consider the industry a professional is in. Those who are in the media, marketing or entertainment industries are just as likely to have a professional Facebook presence as a LinkedIn profile. Regardless of what industry a person is in, it may be pertinent to consider a precursory look at a prospect candidate’s Facebook profile to ensure there is nothing that may come back to haunt a potential employer.

According to HH Staffing Services, 12 percent of employers have admitted to finding reason not to hire a potential employee because of something they found on a social media site. After a quick investigation of Facebook or Twitter, a majority of the time a staffing professional spends on social media networks doing research will be dedicated to LinkedIn.

2) Check candidate engagement. A staffing and recruiting professional may be looking for a candidate to serve as a manager or director of a department. As a result, it will be important to identify whether a potential candidate fits the mold for the position. Is this person a thought leader within an industry or do they try and spread information around or encourage engagement? LinkedIn Groups allow a staffing professional to track down whether a potential candidate is an active member of an industry community. Those who are on the cutting-edge of a sector are often participating in future developments. Social media allows for an individual to create and spread his or her voice, insight and information about topics.

“The opportunity to interact with anyone, anywhere, anytime is too world-changing to ignore. It has altered the traditional media expectation of consumers listening passively to radio and television broadcasts, or reading newspapers and magazines, with no hope of an immediate interaction. With Social Media, all that changed,” stated the Ace Group report.

Never before have staffing and recruiting professionals been able to evaluate whether a potential candidate is an active member of an industry community. While a lack of presence on LinkedIn Groups may not necessarily rule out a candidate, poor quality interactions could.

3) Align candidate qualifications. Clients of a staffing and recruiting firm want to hire a professional who aligns experience and job performance with their wishes. The prolific use of LinkedIn allows staffing professionals to engage with those who are not job seeking or who have not filled out an application for a position, but who might still fit the needs of the client. By researching and comparing the qualities an employer is looking for with the experiences and skills listed on a LinkedIn profile, a recruiter could find the right person for a job and contact them, instead of being on the receiving end of applications and hoping for a qualified candidate. In addition, the organized and static format of LinkedIn allows a staffing and recruiting professional to quickly peruse the information he or she most desires to determine if greater investigation into an individual is needed.

Remember, social media is a powerful tool and can provide great insight into the personality and experiences of a candidate. But, according to Karen Rehn, owner of HH Staffing Services, it’s important not to write someone off as a wrong match because of a couple social media posts expressing personal beliefs.

“Although employers can certainly gain some insights into the lives of potential new hires by their online profiles, be careful not to judge or to make hiring determinations solely on the information discovered online, unless it is directly related to the qualifications of the individual. Social media can also be misused and judgments can be made that are not correct or even relevant to the individual’s on-the-job capabilities,” said Rehn.

By searching for potential job candidates online with the use of social media, recruiting professionals are opening up their search to a much wider scope. In addition, the influx of information available may reveal information about a potential candidate that must not be used in the hiring process, including religion, race, gender and health status. Staffing professionals will have to carefully determine why and how they are determining the quality of a worker.

Should your staffing firm draft a social media policy?

The digital world has made interconnectivity easier than ever, which means the line between an individual’s personal life and his or her professional life is blurring. Websites and social applications such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are providing a portal into the lives of co-workers and friends in ways never previously possible.

According to a paper by staffing experts Joel A. Klarreich and Jason B. Klimpl, social media outlets may be excellent platforms for staffing employees to network, locate potential candidates and promote their agency’s business, but those same tools can create problems. One of the easiest ways to resolve issues before they ever occur is for a staffing firm, while using recruiting software, to outline a social media policy for all employees, and job candidates A social media policy can help avoid an awkward situation from developing and provide a procedure if anything were to occur – alleviating a lot of the stress that can occur.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued three reports detailing social media use in the workplace. A Mashable article detailing the reports suggests that the last one regards the design of social media policies.

“[The report] provides a window into what the NLRB considers legal and illegal, not only with respect to employers who discipline employees based solely on social media content that employees publish, but also as to social media policies that employers implement,” Eric B. Meyer, a partner in the labor and employment group of the law firm Dilworth Paxson LLP, told the news source.

The report isn’t the law, but it does offer businesses, including staffing firms, the details that would make crafting a social media policy easier – offering a checklist of items to keep in mind.

Eliot Johnson, senior manager of global social media at KPMG told the news source how he and his coworkers went about designing KPMG’s social media policy.

“As part of our global social media strategy, we’ve created a series of foundational materials to enable our global network, one of which was the social media guidelines. There was much debate about whether this should be a policy or a set of guidelines. In the end we chose the latter given there were already policies in place; particularly with regards to client confidentiality, protection of intellectual property and our brand,” he said.

Managers must be aware of how their corporate brand identity can be made or broken when expressed via social media. According to the paper from Klarreich and Klimpl, a third-party looking in on a comment could be led to believe that a worker is speaking on behalf of the company, which is why it is important to focus on outlining what can and can’t be said about the company.

Furthermore, staffing firms should be open with employees and candidates that monitoring their social media accounts is lawful in pursuit of protecting business interests. Staffing firm recruiting software can be used to research and manage job candidates – allowing staffers to determine the professionalism of workers displayed on social media networks to see if they are the right fit. The demeanor, tone and topics a job candidate discusses on their social media networks could enhance his or her professional credibility if posts concern industry topics.



Big Data Wave Failing To Surface Analysts For Recruiting & Staffing Agencies

You probably already have a good idea that the amount of candidate information available to your recruiting or staffing agency is growing rapidly.  But the real question is:  who is going to analyze this ‘candidate big data’ and organize it into sensible patterns you can understand?

Unfortunately, while the demand for qualified analysts continues to rise, the talent pools from which your agency is able to find these talented individuals is not seeing corresponding growth.  Business consulting firm McKinsey estimates that by 2018, the United States will have a shortage of between 140,000 and 190,000 people needed to analyze the growing amounts of information.

And in the meantime, candidate big data – and the corresponding risk that you miss placing an ideal candidate with one of your top clients – continues to grow.  So how can you best overcome the odds to find the right data analyst for your agency?

First, you will need to identify whether or not your local talent pool is up to snuff.  And if not, let’s face it, you are just going to have to get creative.  Rather than focusing purely locally, you’ll need to expand your reach into national markets where there is more aggregate talent available.  A few of the current ones include St. Joseph (Missouri), El Paso and Tucson.  Next, you will need to determine whether you are comfortable bringing these employees on remotely (which may involve time zone challenges) – or paying a premium in salary and relocation fees.

Of course, another option is to look for candidates that are more entry level – and more commonly found in most markets.  Just because these candidates don’t have the immediate skills you want right out of the box doesn’t mean they won’t be successful in the job.  Many companies look for skills and experience, only to get burned by someone just looking to get a paycheck.  If you start with motivation and a willingness to learn, you might land on some stronger candidates.

Finally, the last option – which can tie into both of the options above – is to lure candidates away from other companies.  It is here that the staffing and recruiting software you use to fill your client needs can be used to meet the needs of your own agency.  Your recruiting software can help you evaluate the candidates available in your market by helping you more easily search for those that may have reached out to your agency in the past – or those that are describing their skill set with a targeted set of keywords in social networks such as LinkedIn (ie, ‘staffing,’ ‘data,’ ‘analysis,’ etc.)

Big candidate data is essential to your agency’s survival – as is having the team members in place that can help you interpret it accurately.  If you aren’t where you need to be in terms of getting the right team members in place – your agency is not alone – meaning the time for worry is not today.  Today is the time to use the tools you have at your disposal, to think outside the box – and more importantly – to think outside your neighborhood – to find the right analysts that will help you turn candidate big data into the actionable metrics that will help your agency grow.

To learn more about how recruiting and staffing software from Bond US can help your agency achieve its recruiting goals, request a demo.

4 Staffing And Recruiting Tips To Attract Candidates Online

Whether through your website, blog, Facebook page or optimized LinkedIn profile, the success of your recruiting firm or staffing agency depends on its ability to attract the best candidates online.

So the question is “Are you doing all you can to build your online staffing and recruiting efforts?”  If you had to pause for even a moment, here are 4 tips you can start to leverage today to bring more candidates to your virtual door:

1. Build a Better Keyword List – What words do candidates use to describe or find your recruiting firm or staffing agency, before they know you by name? If you are able to answer this question, from the vantage point of your candidates, you will have a pretty good idea of the keywords that should be used in everything from your web copy, to your blog posts to your social profiles.

Remember that the keywords you choose will make up the foundation of your messaging and should be sprinkled throughout the content you create.  Also remember that the language used by your candidates is ever-changing, so always be open to researching and revising your list.

2. Create Content That Solves Problems – Finding the right job, or finding a job period, could fairly be assumed as a common problem for job candidates.  Imagine if your recruiting firm or staffing agency developed content designed to help these candidates – for instance, a blog post offering first time hire interview tips, or a skills assessment designed to help candidates zero in on their dream career.  This type of content, with the right keywords sprinkled throughout, not only helps attract candidates – it helps build up the trust that can transform into deep brand awareness.

3. Maintain Your Social Presence – It’s one thing to launch a Facebook page or LinkedIn profile – but quite another to maintain it.  When developing or updating your social plan, ensure there is a commitment to consistently posting updates, sharing content and engaging with other users.  Not only does this activity put off signals that can help to boost your search ranking, it shows your candidates that you are an active and knowledgeable firm or agency.

4. Give Your Employees a Voice – Candidates are not just looking for a recruiting firm or a staffing agency.  They are looking for someone they can trust.  This is a feeling that is very emotional and very personal.  And one of the best ways to start building this personal connection is to ensure your employees contribute to the output of your company.

Whether it’s through blog posts they author or social conversations they engage in, putting your employees out there can help to quickly attract candidates that are seeking a more personal connection to your firm or agency.

To learn more about how your recruiting or staffing agency can best take advantage of social media, and how our recruiting software can help, contact us or request a free demo.

6 LinkedIn Optimization Tips For Your Recruiting or Staffing Agency

Recruiting and staffing agencies are becoming more and more familiar with the idea of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the need to optimize their websites and blog posts.  But SEO represents just one slice of an online marketing program – and website optimization is simply one tactic.

Being truly resonant online requires the creation and maintenance of a holistic online footprint.  And for even the smallest recruiting or staffing agency, this footprint can encompass everything from media relations to social networks.

Since your recruiting or staffing agency will need to start somewhere as it embarks on its major optimization initiative, I’ve offered six tips below to help you optimize what is – perhaps – the social network most ingrained in your current social staffing plan: LinkedIn.

1. Revisit Your LinkedIn Company Overview – Chances are your recruiting or staffing agency looks a bit different than when you initially created your LinkedIn profile.  Not only do you have more employees, more services, more clients – but you’ve also likely evolved your messaging since your launch.  And this means that new keywords hold new value for your online marketing efforts.  If it’s been 12 months or more since you’ve reviewed your LinkedIn company profile, schedule yourself 30 minutes to review this copy to ensure it is using the keywords that most accurately describe the attributes you want your agency to be found for today – rather than the agency you were when first being established.

2. Work With Your Team To Optimize Personal Profiles – If your website is capturing traffic from LinkedIn, a significant percentage is likely coming from the profile pages of your employees.  As such, ensuring those profile pages are easier to find for either hyper-qualified prospects (ie prospects that know your sales reps by name) or those just entering the awareness stage (ie those seeking a seasoned staffing supervisor in Minneapolis, MN) is key.  Work with your employees to ensure their personal profiles both link back to your web properties but also that they are optimized with the same set of keywords that shape the balance of your recruiting or staffing agency’s messaging.

3. Link To New Content – Creation of new, optimized content represents the heartbeat of your agency – making it critical that the content you create is shared as effectively with as much of your audience as possible.  Fortunately, LinkedIn – like Facebook and Twitter – will allow you to autofeed your blog content.  With all autofeeds in place, a simple click of the publish button will ensure your latest content is shared with dozens of groups and networks instantly.

4. Refresh Your Postings – Both clients and candidates could be browsing your agency profile daily to find out more about the latest job openings or candidates.  Be sure that the updates posted to your LinkedIn company profile are as frequent as necessary.

5. Offer Proof Points On the Products/Services Tab – Why should candidates or clients use your recruiting or staffing agency?  Here’s your chance to set yourself apart.  Include compelling images and testimonials to communicate your company’s unique strengths.

6. Answer Questions & Become a Thought Leader – Remember that at its heart, LinkedIn is about professional networking.  And a big component of this is trusting your network to help you answer questions.  Once or twice a week, review the Answers section of LinkedIn for open questions from others in your industry.  What myself and my team commonly will do is look for open questions related to recruiting software, as this represents our company’s specialty.  If you see a question you can help with, share an answer publicly.  (Remember – this is not a sales tactic – so please do not try to shoehorn in a sales pitch at the end.  That said, it is perfectly acceptable to optimize your answer through the use of keywords.) Simply build trust by sharing your knowledge.  You’ll be surprised how often this tactic will lead those on the Answer string to click through to your profile – and ultimately – to your website.  And from there, you may commence selling.

To learn more about how your recruiting or staffing agency can best take advantage of social media, and how our recruiting and staffing software can help, contact us or request a free demo.

Legally Speaking: How Should Your Recruiting or Staffing Agency Address Social Media Privacy Issues?

I’ve recently made my opinion on employer Facebook snooping quite clear – any the negative feeling I feel deep in my gut is shared by nearly every other source I’ve seen.  Fortunately – it seems this negative view is slowly being transformed into laws and guidelines.

The furor stems over the demands of some employers, recruiters or staffing agencies to get social media passwords or log-ins from employees or candidates.  At the heart of the matter is the question of whether employees or job candidates should be forced to allow potential employers, recruiters or staffing agencies more access into their private lives.  While current laws may still leave room for interpretation – it is perfectly clear which way the wind is blowing.

A recent Denver Business Journal article points out that in Colorado, employees’ legal off-duty activities are protected, and that could extend to Facebook use.

Two Senators apparently agree that forcing job seekers to share Facebook passwords is a breach of privacy and possible cause for discrimination.  Charles Schumer (NY) and Richard Blumenthal (CT) have asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to launch an investigation into whether employers asking for passwords during interviews is in violation of federal law (New York Times, March 25, 2012).

In the article, a Facebook executive warned that “if an employer discovered that a job applicant is a member of a protected group, the employer might be vulnerable to claims of discrimination if it did not hire that person.”  Such protected information includes gender, age, religion and race – much of which you can find on Facebook profiles.

Today, only Maryland prohibits employers from requiring employees to turn over social media passwords.  However California currently has a bill before the Senate (having just won unanimous support in the House) which would also ban employers from demanding access to Facebook accounts (AB1844).

The challenge will be moving forward that with the interconnectedness of the Internet and the proliferation of information on social media, recruiting firms and staffing agencies will be tempted to use whatever tools they can to get a better idea of candidate personalities and profiles.

Case in point, many recruiting firms and staffing agencies rely upon LinkedIn as heavily as they do resumes to get a clearer picture of candidates.  However, the difference is, LinkedIn profiles have been created for that very reason.

The next year should produce an interesting array of new laws and regulations.  In the meantime, what actions should your recruiting firm or staffing agency take?

I say this not as a lawyer – but as someone that has worked in the staffing industry for several years.  While we may be tempted to take advantage of all information we are – currently – legally entitled to in order to find the right candidates, there are certain lines we simply should not cross.  While it may be true that asking for social passwords is not currently in violation of any laws in most states – the stain such an action leaves on an agency could be difficult to bounce back from.  This holds especially true if privacy laws change – and your agency’s actions are cited as even a minor reason as to why.

Bottom-line: employees and job candidates have private lives.  And as long as they fill your needs – or meet the needs of your clients – that’s OK.  My original position was to steer your agency clear of Facebook snooping stupidity.  And my opinion – now backed up by mounting legislation – has not changed.

To learn more about how your recruiting or staffing agency can best take advantage of social media – from both a business and ethical standpoint – and how our recruiting and staffing software can help, contact us or request a free demo.