What Does Software-as-a-Service Offer Modern Recruitment CRM?

SaaSYou are a recruitment business. A busy recruitment business. You set your teams punishing targets, your business has demanding clients and increasing competition. You may have to look to expand into new markets and regions to survive. Your staff have to be accountable and efficient. The software you work with must support the business and help manage the everyday tasks and demands of your teams- while allowing you to have a clear vision on how the business is performing.
The end goal: a healthy, profitable bottom-line.
Sound familiar…?
But with so many technology options now available to the recruiter – what separates these services and why should you use any one particular provider?

In a recent feature in Global Recruiter magazine, a range of popular service providers were asked why their system should be on your wish list.

Our Opinion….

Bond International Software was interviewed as part of the feature. And here is a summary of what Chief Technology Officer Daniel Richardson had to say about choosing the right technologies for your business:

  • Whether a recruiters recruitment CRM application is hosted via software-as-a-service or installed on-premise, it should have absolutely no difference to the functionality, ease of use, security and external support – however, functionality will be limited if recruiters are unaware of the nature of the SaaS package they are investing in..
  • Many providers, rather than design a purpose-built SaaS application, will merely offer a web based interface – an application designed for collaborative use across a local area network. As a result, functionality is restricted as the application is not designed to be made widely over the internet and performance is therefore undermined.
  • Security: With the trend of global expansion growing, and the need to readily access information on candidates, vacancies and clients, recruiters often forget to enquire about the security features of the SaaS product. As a result, a concerning high number of providers therefore do not pay sufficient attention to making their applications security better.
  • Too many recruiters focus solely on core functionality, and not the ancillary capabilities that are often of equal, if not greater, importance. For instance, disaster recovery is rarely considered when selecting the CRM tool, especially by smaller organisations, as many rely on the core function of their IT function to provide this service…

To read the article in FULL, and read Daniels comments in FULL, please CLICK HERE

If you would like to speak to one of our recruitment system experts about the latest technologies from Bond available for your business – call us today on 01903 707070 or email james.payne@bond.co.uk

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